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Adoption Application

Adopting an furry friend is easy, but we ask that you only fill out if you ARE SERIOUSLY INTERESTED IN ADOPTING FROM OUR RESCUE. 

We have a limited amount of applications and each time one is filled out and you change your mind, you take one away from a serious adopter, this happens with at least 10 applications a month. We also have a limited amount of volunteers that review the applications and reading each application takes valuable time away from our volunteers.


PLEASE research the critter that you wish to adopt, our site provides some pet care basics and we don't mind educating you. But purchasing a book and browsing the internet are great ways to find information on the critter of your interest. We require that you do some of the research. This helps both of us in finding the perfect fit for our critters forever homes.

If you are still interested in adoption, you may fill out the application form below, for any reason it doesn't get submitted, please email us and we will send you our online application.

We'll review it and get back to you within 48 hours, no phone calls please. If you have questions email us at: [email protected]. We screen all adopters to ensure that our furry friends end up in appropriate homes, and therefore cannot guarantee anyone a pet. However, even if the pet you are interested in is no longer available, we can usually help you find another pet who will fit perfectly into your family. Our rescue always has furry friends who are not yet on the internet, and we also have good connections to other rescues.

If you're not sure what pet you want or you have questions about adopting, please email us at [email protected] or visit us at Petco for a Meet & Greet. We'd be happy to discuss the choice with you because our animals are in foster care, we know a great deal about their personalities, which makes matching easier and more successful.

RASA Rescue requires all adopters to sign a contract stating the following:

1. You will provide the pet with an appropriate habitat and a balanced diet as recommended by RASA Rescue.

2. You will provide veterinary care as necessary by a qualified veterinarian.

5. You will take the pet into consideration when making housing choices.

6. You will agree to be responsible for the pet for the rest of his or her life.

7. You will not breed the pet under any circumstances.

8. You will return the pet to the rescue if it is no longer wanted or you can no longer keep it.I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, colour and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.

Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a response from us within 48 hours. We have been getting emails from people that thought we didn't respond to their applications..... and when asked to check their spam folder the responses were there...thank you.

By submitting this application, I/we give our permission to Rabbit & Small Animal Rescue to contact any/all personal references listed, and vets that have seen my/our previous pets, and give them permission to obtain vet records from the vet office on previous pets.

What type of pet are you interested in?*
Are you adopting this pet for a child?
We usually contact people by email, as this makes it easier to keep track of which applications we have responded to. However, if you do not answer your email daily, we need to know how best to contact you. How would you prefer to be contacted?
Are you willing to sign such a contract?*
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Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible

Adoption Fees

Adoption fees ensure that our furry friends go to responsible homes and allow us to provide for the pets in our care. We are in desperate need of funds and even the smallest donation helps. Our minimum fees/donations are as follow:

Rabbits: $95.00

Bonded Pair of Rabbits: $150

Guinea Pigs: $45 unspayed/not neutered         $65.00 neutered

Chinchillas: $75

Large Hamsters/Gerbils: $20.00

Dwarf Hamsters: $15.00

Mice: $5.00

Rats: $45.00 spayed & neutered

Cockateils: $90.00 single $150.00 bonded pair

Parakeets: $30.00 each

Discounts: We do not offer discounts, if you can not afford the adoption fee than you probably can not afford the pet.