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We're always short on money. Vet bills are often unexpected. While we require donations from people who surrender their animals, we often accept animals from local humane societies and even meat farms, neither of which provides any money towards their care. Even small amounts help a lot, as we're good at finding good prices.

Some Great Ways to Help Are:

Monetary Donations Directly to The Vet - We always have an ongoing veterinary bill. Our vet, Alsager Animal Care Center located in Canton MI, is wonderful in working with us and our animals. You can contact them at anytime to make a donation on our behalf! This will be changing January 1, 2019 due to our primary vet leaving that practice.

Sponsor an Animal - We have furry friends in our care that need extensive and or ongoing medical treatment. Please consider sponsoring one of these animals. You can commit from 5% to 100% of their care. You will receive updates and photos with the progress of your sponsored animal. Email us at [email protected] to find out more! 

We also accept donations of useful items, such as these:

  •  Timothy Hay - Oxbow brand preferred

  • Gift cards for Kroger or Randazzo ( to purchase vegetabables)

  • White Vinegar to clean Cages

  • Lawn & Leaf paper bags for disposal of poop and hay (from litter boxes)

  • Human Cloth prefold diapers for litter boxes

  • Cages of all sizes, shapes, and styles, from mouse cages to rabbit cages

  • Water bottles (glass) gof all sizes

  • Water bottle holders of all sizes

  • Rodent wheels, all sizes

  • Plastic accessories of all sizes (houses, food bowls, hiding spots, etc)

  • Bedding, Paper with No baking soda or scents in them

  • Aspen

  • Shredded newspaper

  • Shelving units (ones that are made of hard-wire squares are especially useful)

  • Old (but clean) towels and pillow cases

  • Craft wire

  • Tape of all sorts (plastic, masking, duct, etc)

  • Zip ties (like the ones they use for handcuffs in the movies)

Email us at [email protected] if you'd like to donate any of these items!

Alfalfa & Spanky