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Volunteer Application

Looking to get involved and make a difference? Visit our "How You Can Help" page to learn more about our volunteer opportunities! If you want more information or would like to volunteer, fill out the form below. Thanks for your interest in RASA Rescue!

RASA Rescue often works with animals who have been abused or neglected. Some of them do bite. In addition, items are sometimes ruined by things such as chewing and urine. While major incidents are rare, these incidents are a fact of life in animal rescue.

Are you over the age of 18?*
What is your current area of interest in volunteering for RASA Rescue? (check all that apply)*
If you're interested in fostering or socializing, please check off which animals you're interested in working with.
Most of our volunteer positions (including fostering) require that volunteers drive to someone’s house once a week, once every other week, once a month, etc, depending on the position and your availability. Do you have transportation?*
Do you agree to hold RASA Rescue harmless of all damages, including bodily harm, that may result from your volunteer activities?*
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Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible

RASA is a 501(c)3 non profit NO KILL small animal rescue. Our dedicated group of fosters and volunteers provide shelter and rehabilitation for abandoned and unwanted "pocket pets". We take exceptional care of every animal in our rescue and pride ourselves on upholding our motto "Transforming the neglected, abused, unwanted and abandoned into the loved, sheltered, happy and content". In some cases this means it will take months of patient interactions with our rescues to help them overcome whatever they have been through. Our vetting is extremely high due to being a no-kill rescue.